There are going to be people in your life who tell you that what you want to do isnt possible. They are going to give you a list of reasons why you shouldnt do something, or why you shouldnt attempt something that seems impossible. They will tell you, essentially, "Dont reach for the stars. There are lower hanging fruit right over here." Whatever you do, dont follow their advice. You can listen to what they have to say, you can tell them that you respect them, and even love them, but that you are the only person who should make decisions about what you do with your life. Almost without exception, the people who tell you to not reach for the stars, because you might get burned, are people who have never touched them. There is no reward without risk. There is no success without the possibility of failure.
Always follow your heart. Always listen to your gut. Your brain is an incredibly powerful organ of logic and reason, but it also can cause conflicts with your instincts. When your heart is telling you to do one thing and your brain and everyone around you is thinking otherwise, listen to your heart. If you dont, you wont ever attain true freedom in this world. You wont ever be truly happy because you never did what you really wanted to do. You rationalized. You compromised. You conceeded. You bought into the notion that because something is unlikely, its actually impossible and unattainable.
Thats not how The New World was discovered. Thats not how man set foot on the moon. Thats not how The Civil Rights movement was successful. Thats not how the Jets came back from being a 20-1 dog to get into the NFL playoffs this year. These things happened because human beings believed in themselves and their own ability to rise above their humanity and do superhuman things - impossible things, and attain true freedom. You only live once, and for a very short period of time. Make the most of it, and dont let your dreams escape you.
This blog is going to go offline for an unknown period of time, and it may never be back, and almost certainly not in this form. So please, remember this last post and come back to it whenever you are facing hardship or adversity in your life. What you want in life is attainable. If you can dream it, and you have the dedication and perseverance to forge those dreams into reality, anything is possible.