Wednesday, May 16, 2012

London Aerials

Something about this aerial footage of London gives me that epic Blade Runner tingling feeling like we really are living in some futuristic dystopia. If this is London now, whats to come 400 years from now? I think it really will be Blade Runner.

Check out the link for some great high resolution photographs as well.

The Atlantic - Views From the Night Sky: London and the U.K.


md said...

very cool. Great looking city, but who the fuck designed those streets?! They don't seem to follow a grid at all. Looks like an easy place to get lost...

Chronic said...

London is over 1000 years old, at least they have an excuse.

This area of NYC was actually PLANNED to be like this:


md said...

oh my god. that looks like it was planned by satan himself. i imagine you would always be getting packages that belong to your neighbors one street over.

Blank said...

Heres a pretty cool video of Japan along the similar theme. This guy took thousands of hi-res photos and sequenced them into the video.

md said...

^that was awesome

umo said...

Blank said...

This guy took thousands of hi-res photos and sequenced them into the video.

That is a desc. of 90% of the vids on Vimeo ;)
I like that Vimeo took a stance and differentiated themselves from Youtube by narrowing the type of vids they allow. There's a Japanese show called Somewhere Street which involves a 1st Person camera tour of really up close city backstreets and alleys.

Like you're astral projecting into a Japanese tourist. Just saw one in Kotor, Monetenegro. Very charming to watch.

Chronic said...

London is over 1000 years old, at least they have an excuse.

This area of NYC was actually PLANNED to be like this:


May 16, 2012 11:46 PM

What's worse in that 44th Ave/Drive/Road map is that the Ave and Street are the opposite one way directions to the lower ones.

It goes:

47th Road -->
47th Ave <--
46th Road -->
46th Ave <--
45th Road -->
45th Ave <--
44th Drive <-->
44th Road <--
47th Ave -->

When you factor in the Underground system to that street layout, getting around London is a fine art to master.

It takes an average of about 4 years for a Taxi driver to learn "The Knowledge" (which they've been doing since 1865!)

Taxis are there as a get out clause for anyone who gets hopelessly lost, just hail a Black Cab and you will be whisked back to a familiar place.

It's a great city for walking around, you can take a quick bus/tube hop if you need to skip a bit but there's so much variety.

umo said...

Photo 8 in the UK shots looks similar to "Spaghetti Junction", it would be an awesome Burnout track. When I was a kid we got given a kitten that was rescued from it, she must have used up 8 lives but went on to live another 20+ years with the ninth :)

Chronic said...

34 avg months training and 12 tries at the exam. I think it must be easier to become a doctor or a lawyer, no?

However, for what Ive heard the cabbies are charging, they probably make as much money. But I guess you get what you pay for.