Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This is the first in a series of BASE jumping videos I am going to post. Personally, I think its one of the coolest activities ever invented. Personally, I would never do it for any amount of money. But for those who ever wondered what it would be like to fly, wingsuit BASE jumping, such as in the above video, provides just such an opportunity. This guy looks like he is going to plow into the base of mountain, but his wingsuit levels him out at the last moment and he completes a high speed low pass out into the valley below.


md galaxy said...

Wow. That has to be one incredible experience.

Anonymous said...

One of the things about Mirror's Edge I wondered was that if they have all this style and neo-extreme-future-runner thing going on why they don't all have a parachute for base jumping escapes.

md galaxy said...

I remember playing the Just Cause demo (never played the full game) and all I would do was climb a mountain to its peak and then jump to make the 30 second free-fall into the water below. Man, was that sweet. Were there actual objectives in that game??