Monday, December 8, 2008

This is Sparta! (Hotel Mario Style)

My blog hasnt been feeling random enough lately.


md galaxy said...

whoa, luigi started tripping balls at the end there. nice. Madness? MADNESS!!

Anonymous said...

The Internet, garbage pit for the human mind.

Anonymous said...

But on another note, it can't get more random than this lol.

Chronic said...

Dude Luigi is totally OMG WTF BBQ.

From Wikipedia's Hotel Mario entry:

"Hotel Mario is a puzzle game developed by Fantasy Factory and published by Philips Interactive Media for the CD-i in 1994. The primary character of the game is Mario, who must find Princess Toadstool by going through seven Koopa hotels in the Mushroom Kingdom. Every hotel is divided into multiple stages, and the objective is to close all doors on each stage. Defeating a Koopaling on the hotel's final stage takes the player to the following building.[1]

Philips was given the permission to use Nintendo characters in CD-i games due to their taking part in developing an unreleased add-on for the Super Nintendo. The games resulting from the license did not gain much success, with Hotel Mario being regarded as one of the worst Mario-centered games. The game has been mainly rebuked for its mechanic of shutting doors and derided in-game movies."

Pretty amazing Phillips got their hands on the greatest videogame mascot of all time and still managed to blow it in epic fashion.

Anonymous said...

In case you didn't knew already the angry nerd made a review about this recently.

Chronic said...

Yes, Ive seen The Nerd's video about the CD-i and Mario, Ill go look now maybe the second part about the Zelda games is out by now.... yes it is, actually its a 3 part series: