Thursday, September 10, 2009

50 Games for $5 @

Game download service Direct2Drive turns 5 years old this month, and to celebrate they are selling 50 games for $5 each. Great games like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Civilization IV, and GRAW2 are available this week, and the lineup will change over the next 4 weeks. If you havent checked out Sid Meier's Railroads, do so now. Its slow, glitchy, and the economy doesnt even really make much sense. But if you have even a passing interest in trains, American Rail History, or logistics, you wont be able to pull yourself away once you start. These arent throw away XBLA arcade games that might be fun for an hour - these are full featured, complete games for $5 a pop, and many of these classic games run perfectly on older computers, so dont miss out.

1 comment:

BlankVoid said...

Talk about a steal.