Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trials HD Trailer

Its Flatout on a motorcycle with a level editor, coming 8/12 to XBLA.

1 comment:

umopapisdnpuaq said...

Revberby stadium announcer? - Check!
Scenery that falls apart? - Check!
Explosions? - Check!
Flaming boost? - Check!
Rings of fire? - Check!
Ragdoll crashes? - Check!

Multiplayer? - Fail :(

Long been a fan of Trial riding though.

It's 27 years since I was watching this! - Kick Start. The theme tune is as clear in my head as it was back then.

And over 20 since I was playing this - Kickstart 2 (with a level editor too). You MUST mute the audio on the second one!!!!! It's not the game audio, it's horrible.