Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aliens vs Predator: Marines Trailer

I'm extremely pumped up for this game; the trailer looks fantastic.


Chronic said...

Just watching the trailer I dont think I can wait, I may have to search out a copy of Aliens vs Predator 2 (PC, 2001). I see the Gold Edition with all the expansion content is $10 on ebay.

I used to play that game all the time with Furry Puddle aka HisNoodlyAppendage on a LAN up is Westchester county way back in the day. Nothing better than playing as the Alien and dropping in from the pitch black ceiling onto a Marine's head like an extraterrestrial Sam Fischer with enough sets of teeth to make a Great White Shark blush. Good times.

umopapisdnpuaq said...

On the PC I wonder if anyone ever modded it to become Carebears Vs Ewoks.

I remember all the strange Quake 2 mods flying around with Santa and the Simpsons and South Park etc

Darth said...

I played AvP2 so much, more then Battlefield, halo and gears combined... I also made a lot of friends in that game, Hudson, Komodo, Pikaces... but they moved on other games. Games my machine couldn't handle so I lost contact with them...

Good times though.