Friday, May 15, 2009

Battlestations Pacific GT Review

"Incredibly engaging and fun; with easily over 50 hours of play."


Darth said...

Well we tried the original game, but it fell short somehow... The game doesn't feel like it belongs on a console, and like he said, selecting units goes a bit cumbersome and slow because you have to scroll through them in order. Still the game looks good enough to give it a try.

On the other side, we won't find enough time to play this...

Chronic said...

I actually really enoyed the 1st game campaign, I played through it twice and did all the side missions on both 360 and PC. However, the multiplayer wasnt up to the level of 1942. That may change this time around, and with Battlefield 1943 for XBLA right around the corner, BSP needs to live up to its vast potential in order to have a long term future on consoles.