Sunday, July 12, 2009

Turtles In Time ReShelled Comparison

This video shows the original Turtles in Time arcade game alongside the new remake for XBLA. The gameplay looks quite similar, and while I dont love the art style they are using in this early vid, I will have to wait and see what the final product looks like, because the early vids of Bionic Commando ReArmed didnt look that amazing to me either. The music for the new game is completely unlistenable, unfortunately, I will have to turn it off as the very first thing I do when I download the game. Lets hope this reshelling works out for the best, it has great potential as an XBLA title.


Darth said...

Why do people feel the need to fix things that aren't broken???

md said...

My wife and I have played through the first XBLA release of Ninja Turtles multiple times. I'm not sure why they went this route with turtles in time, but we'll be playing it anyway I'm sure.

md said...

Ok, looks like it could be fun. Chronic you called it... that music had me grinding my teeth.

Anonymous said...

I was worried about this game but will give it a chance. I don't like the art style either but the music is fantastic. I don't know what MD and chronic are talking about, but its great. It sounds to me like they used the SNES music which is great. From other clips it seems like they have updated versions of it, maybe it will be an option but this music is some of the best ever heard in a video game.